Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Redbox or Netflix

For the last two years, we have been an avid fan of Redbox. Every time we would visit a Wal*Mart, Walgreen's, Harris Teeter and wanted a movie, we would simply go to the Redbox machine and pay just a dollar per night of rental (of course the dvd was always returned the next day to avoid additional charges). Coupon codes could even be entered and the dvd would be vended for free.

Recently, we decided to give Netflix a try. We had been thinking of trying Netflix instead of Redbox, but were reluctant to because it would take nine movies on Netflix to equal the $1.00 per movie deal Redbox offered.

After three months of Netflix, I must say it is by far the better deal. In three months, we have seen more movies and TV show episodes than in the previous two years with Redbox. Plus, the convenience of being able to stream to the Wii, the blue-ray player, and the computer is very convenient.

The only downside to Netflix is the lack of reliability of the United States Postal System. I have had two dvds scheduled to show up one day, and did not show up until a week later. By the time I received them, I had already informed Netflix of the issue and received and returned the replacement dvd!

Overall, if you are on the fence on whether to switch from Redbox to Netflix, MAKE THE SWITCH! It is worth it!

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